Tuesday, October 06, 2009


Yep. Wow. Things are going too fast, too much is going on, and it's raining. I sure hope to getting back into blogging, I miss it! I hope to get some recent pictures up and explain what we've all been up to lately! It's been nuts!

Well, here's a quickie update:

Evan = kindergarten = he loves it. He will be turning 6 the end of November and we have a fun birthday planned out! He's learning a lot of new things from school and its been a lot of fun to watch him.

Mason = preschool = he kind of likes it. He's just Mason...what else do I need to say?!? He's goofy, he's funny, he's whiny, he's 3 1/2. He makes up stories, sings to himself and he loves to play. He whines. Did I mention he whines?

Carter = home and ECFE = he is explorative. C can climb, he's starting to figure out his legs can move faster (running) and he climbs as high as he can. He's into throwing tantrums, throwing toys, throwing puzzles, throwing books, etc. He also enjoys hitting Mason. I don't know why. It's weird. He has a total of 6 teeth at the moment, and we're hopeful for more so he can actually chew more food. He wants our food, and we feed it to him, but depending on how chewy it is, he usually chokes. Other than that, he's a bundle of fun and all boy!

Brian = headache still = still doesn't like it. Ugh. Need I say more?

Me = lots of stuff = yep. I'm going to be opening an in home daycare in my home and I'm looking forward to it! It should be interesting... I've had my first home visit, and the fire inspection visit and both went well. My next step is receiving CPR and First Aid training (which will be October 17th), the 2nd and final home visit from the daycare licenser, and working on my contract. Oh, and getting families! I'm giving myself one full year of this daycare stuff to see if I really enjoy it or really cannot handle it. We shall see, I'm sure I'll be praying a lot!!!

Well, that's the quickie update. I hope to be back blogging regularly again soon!

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