Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun Weekend

We had such a great weekend this past weekend! It was Brian's 10 year reunion and we had a blast! Friday night we went to a park and met some classmates and took a tour of the very different high school. They have added onto the building quite a bit since we were all there. The cafeteria was pretty much what looked familiar ;). Saturday night was the actual reunion and there were so many people that came, it was a great turnout! At least I thought it was. Even though I was class of '99, it was still really fun to see familiar faces.

Saturday night was also our first night away with 'no' kids since June! And in June, I was 9 months preggo, so that doesn't count. Carter did good for grandma and grandpa - at least I hope he did. They said he did, but they wouldn't tell us otherwise! We weren't too worried about the other 2 stooges, they're pretty easy and on a fairly simple schedule.

Update on 'us': Evan's newest thing is sitting around putting puzzles together and singing songs. Mason's thing now is 'testing' us to our limits. That's always fun, but he still cracks us up with his comedic style. Carter's newest thing is giggling...he's still working on it, but it's so frickin' cute when he does! He'll be 3 months old tomorrow. As far as I'm concerned, that's crazy.

We had a WONDERFUL Sunday of doing absolutely nothing. I LOVE those days! Brian so greatly let me sleep in, I slept until 12:42pm!!! Well, I woke up to feed Carter about 4 times, but still, it was sleep and I'll take it! Bless that amazing husband of mine!!! We were in our PJ's all day and kicked back. The boys enjoyed play-do and we watched Shrek later in the evening. Movie nights are always a blast. We also did make it outside for about an hour to play (it gets dark so early now!), it was too nice to be locked in all day! We ran into our neighbors and had a wonderful timing chatting and catching up from the week, and Brian and Josh played a bit of frisbee which is always fun for them :). That's about it!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fun Day!

Yay! It was a pretty good day today =). Evan and Mason spent the day at Grammy's in Stillwater and they had a blast! So I just had Carter today! He and I did some shopping at the Woodbury, I haven't been shopping for myself in a VERY long time. It was pretty intimidating.

So with all those stores and all the clothes I was trying on (for Brian's reunion this weekend), I didn't find anything!!! There was a pair of pants at the Gap that I really liked, but of course they didn't have my size (which right now is the wonderful leftover baby flub fatness size). So I was leaving, almost in tears, got to the car, fed and changed Carter, let him play in the back of my car for a while so he could stretch and then I called Brian because I needed someone to talk to!

Anywhoobie, I ended up calling the Maplewood Gap to see if they had the pants I liked in my size and no luck. Then I called the Mall of America Gap and they had them in my size! So tonight we had a family night at the Mall of America and it was a ton of fun, I even found a top!!! Evan and Mason had quite the long day, but they were great at the mall and also had fun. I wish we could have had more time there, all the boys did so great! But we had to get home because it's a preschool night :).

I can't wait until I lose all this baby weight and then some to do some more shopping for ME! I think that'll be my reward...get some nice clothes that fit well. My comfy pants that are about 8 years old and all my Kohl's $5 patriotic raggedy t-shirts have seen better days.

I'm looking forward to this weekend, it's Brian's 10 year high school reunion and I'm anxious to see everyone and what people have been up to. I know it'll be fun! Friday night is the homecoming game, and before that there's going to be a couple other 'reunion' events, including a tour of the high school (it's changed). I'm excited to roam those halls again, with our kids in toe! That'll be interesting. 10 years ago, we sure didn't picture where we'd be today!!! Then Saturday is the reunion, plus a night out for us!!!

My parents are babysitting and right now we're working really hard with Carter to get him used to a bottle! He's only used to me right it's been really challenging. I went out and bought a different type of bottle and he seems to do ok with it. He actually took it earlier today with only about 5 minutes of screaming. Then tonight we gave him another one before bed to help him practice, and he took it pretty well! I'll be taking him to my parents tomorrow night to have them practice with him...I really want Saturday night to go well at home so I can be at ease and have fun at the reunion.

All righty, enough blabbing. Good night!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Today has been a better day. A little hectic, but much better. I took all 3 stooges to the grocery store today, after I picked Evan up from preschool. It was quite an adventure, and went pretty well...except the little guy cried most of the time and the boys were being really silly. They had to walk since I needed a full cart and somewhere to put the baby. It was crazy, but worked well.

An elderly man stopped me in an aisle, and said how good my boys were and how they were good they are acting really silly and the baby is crying. He then decided it was a good time to tell me a little story...but it was so sweet, I'm glad he did. Here's how the story goes:

The man says he's a great grandfather to a 2 1/2 year old girl. One day, she was sitting on here Dad's lap, and they were all together, and she asked what time it was. Her Dad told her to look at the clock and see what it says. So she looked up at the clock, examined it for a while, looked back at her Dad, and says "the clock says tick, tick, tick...". How cute is that?!

I then had to pause and thank him for sharing his great story. It made me laugh, and also made me realize, by looking at him - a great grandfather - how quickly time passes. I looked back my 'silly' boys and then glanced at my little one, now smiling at me, and thought how lucky I am to have such a great family. The elderly man walked on and we all continued our shopping. Oh - and of course, Evan has to make a comment on the man's hearing aids by saying 'he has silly putty in his ears', I only hope he didn't hear that comment...only from the mouths of babes!!!

I think every day, by any chance, angels are sent to us to remind us how great things really are. My day yesterday was insane...I look back at my last blog and laugh about it today. It really wasn't a bad day, actually it was a typical day! Then today, I knew I had a lot going on as well, but once that man talked to me, I felt almost like I had a weight lifted off my shoulders. It was really weird, but I pretty much smiled throughout the entire rest of the store. Children are a blessing, and we need to enjoy them every day. Even when they drive us nuts! ;) Their carefree laughter, hugs and kisses, the funny comments they make and the smiles that can make anyone's day makes me feel so blessed...and blessed I am.

Until next time...

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A Bad Day

Today has been a bad day. Usually, I can work through these days, but I feel the need to vent about it today.

It starts out where Brian is going to be gone the entire day, obviously going to work, but only for a 1/2 day, then heading to the cabin for the rest of the day to help take out the dock and jet skis...for those of you who know how I feel about this place, I'm sure you know how my mood was already struck this morning.

Then I wake up to the boys being LOUD and obnoxious...nothing too new, but in the mornings I'm not a very nice person...and waking up to loud is not going to put me in a happy place.

After I get the boys taken care of, I thought I'd hop into the shower since the baby was still sleeping away in his crib. I get out of the shower and I heard the baby starting to wake up, which was great, I really needed to feed him.

The following may be harmful to those with weak stomachs:
Then, I hear the dog start dry heaving on our bed, so I yelled at him to get down and I tried to get him outside...but I was FAR too late. As he jumped off our bed, he threw up all over. When I say all over, I mean ALL OVER. There was a puke trail from our bed to the door...and not only did he just puke, but it lovingly sprayed from side to side as if he was shaking his head...beautiful image, isn't it?!?

So, here I am, running around in my underwear with leaky boobs (yeah, with it), baby crying, dog puking, the boys being curious and excited about all the commotion, the cats started chasing each other, then the phone rings...and it's one of those political recording things that beyond pisses me off (we had one of those calls at 10:44PM last night...yes, I said PM).

So I clean up the yak, clean myself up, get dressed, get the baby and finally feed him, get the boys sat down to eat more breakfast - stinkers were still hungry...then Mason accidentally spilled his entire bowl of cereal onto the table and floor. THAT was fun. Then Evan got up and wacked his head on my elbow...can you see where my mood is going here???

I then had an 11:30am appointment to get the boys haircuts. Luckily, going out and about went great and their hair looks good. I'm starting to figure out this 'timing' thing with Carter. We had a couple other errands to run, I got 2 out of the 5 that I needed to get done done, so that was a huge accomplishment. On our way home, I almost lost it emotionally, but I held it together. (I'm still dealing with some sensitivity right now...ugh.) Got home, got the kids lunch, then Evan spilled his grapes onto the table and floor...and oh wow, you'd think the world was about to end the way he acted. It was grapes, totally not a big deal, but to an almost 5 year old, it was a HUGE deal.

I hope the rest of the evening goes ok, we are going to order pizza and have a picnic outside. Hopefully. I hope Brian comes home sooner than later...although he really did help by sending me a sweet boquet of flowers...he's so romantic and he knew about my day, I emailed him earlier...but there were quite a few f'n-heimers flying around in the I thought I'd blog about everything once I calmed down!

Well, I better order the pizza now, the boys are getting antsy for their picnic.

Until next time...

Friday, September 12, 2008

Busy Week =)

We've had quite the crazy week! Carter had his 2 month appointment...he now weighs a whopping 13.6 lbs and he grew 3 1/4"! He's smiling up a storm and being cute as ever. Evan started preschool on Thursday morning - he goes twice a week to our church preschool program. He absolutely loved it and can't wait to go back. Mason started ECFE on Thursday night and he enjoyed it...except for the part where Daddy went to go talk with the other parents (it's our first separating class with him). Brian went to a new doctor, healing, helper something or another this morning...I don't know her title...but he was there for about 4 hours and had to leave for a work golf thing (she would have worked on him longer if he didn't have to go) and he feels really good!!! I'm so excited, he told me that he hasn't felt this good in a looooong time! Maybe this will actually be a cure for his headache!!! Keep your fingers crossed ;-). Now he's enjoying an afternoon of golfing, hopefully that will help him feel even better :). As for myself, just the same old routine. Kids and the weight loss effort...'sigh'.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Yay for Mavey!

So our dog is a-ok!!! Thank goodness :). Apparently he has a fatty thing that older dogs develop. Poor guy's gettin' old. Luckily it's in a spot that won't cause any trouble, however, if it gets any bigger we may have to get it removed. But it should be ok. I feel bad for him, walking around with a lump on his back. Oh well, he doesn't seem to care ;). We are just thrilled that he's ok!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


We are freaking out. Brian found a huge lump on our dog's side/back area. He's going to the vet at 8:30am tomorrow morning. We are so nervous and of course thinking the worst. Please keep our sweet dog in your prayers...if anyone reads this. Poor Maverick.