Wednesday, February 02, 2011

What a day!

To improve my weight loss efforts, I have, yet again, joined weight watchers.  I make an attempt at attending meetings on Wednesday mornings...with Carter.  When I 're-started', Carter was potty training.  It makes things interesting...for example, today he insisted he had to 'poop', so we walked down the long cold hallway to the bathroom, only to figure out he didn't want to poop.  Twice.  Needless to say, I missed about half the meeting.  Oh well.

On our way home, my mind was scrambling.  Here I have a 2 1/2 year old who needs to 'poop', I have to get home, try to get him to take care of business, then book out the door again to pick up Mason from pre-school.  I had 10 minutes to get this accomplished, and I still needed to get home.  So as I was toodling up Keats Ave, a police officer coming from the other direction quickly and swiftly made a u-turn in the middle of Keats and ever so perfectly ended up behind me.  My stomach sunk.  Crap.  I was, indeed, speeding.  I took a left onto 80th to head home, and sure enough the blueberries and cherries lit up brightly in my rear-view mirror.  I followed protocol, pulled over, put my hazards on, put both hands on the steering wheel and waited for the officer to approach.  I rolled the window down, he took my license and insurance, went back to his car...and then it happened.  I lost it.  Completely and utterly lost it.  I took 2 kleenexes and held them up to my eyes, purely humiliated.  I was embarrassed and ashamed.  All of a sudden, he was back at my window, handed me my license with a warning; and with a gentle smile, told me to take care and watch my speed.  I said thank you sir, and cried harder.

I made it home, only to sit in the driveway, crying.  It was a pathetic moment.  I don't cry often, but holy smokes, all I could think of was, geez - get a hold of yourself!  I sat there for a few minutes, then put the car into reverse to head to pick up Mason from pre-school...only as Carter said, he has to go potty.  Oops.  So we quickly unbuckled, ran into the house, took care of business, ran back outside, buckled back in, and slowly and carefully drove to pick up Mason....

We get home shortly after the pre-school pick-up, only to come home to sucker gank all over our newly cleaned carpets.  AWESOME.  The dog got into a zip loc baggy of dum dums that I kept in the diaper bag.  The stinker.  However, I multi-tasked well and was able to clean the sucker gank, get two children organized and ready for lunch, and lunch was made successfully.

The day continues, the kids were good, I was in a fog from the morning events.  Brian gets home, we quickly eat dinner then head out to the paint store for some products to work on home projects.  The boys are fascinated with the 'paint-making' process, and love to be allowed to push the buttons to 'color' the paint, then to 'shake' the paint.  They were so proud of their paint making skills and proudly carried out their paint stir sticks.

The day wound down, and here I sit, with a drink in my belly and a compter and cat on my lap.  All I can think about is how blessed I am.  A great marriage, three healthy and happy boys, two cats, one dog...and a partridge in a pear tree.

Good night.

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