Thursday, July 12, 2007

Day 1 - headed to Nebraska

Well, day 1 was a bit chaotic. We left at 9:21am, 21 minutes later than we wanted to - due to the fact we forgot to get Brian's prescription from Target. Anyways, we arrived at Fort Kearney, Nebraska at about 7:15pm. It was a very long and nauseating day. I discovered that I cannot ride in back with the kids because of motion sickness. They stayed in their car seats pretty well and we stopped a few times to stretch and run around. It was a very long day, and it was very hot. Brian and I feel like we're in a boat when we go to bed...the RV does sway...I swear it does! Ok, it doesn't, but I guess we have some crazy problem with motion stuff. Hopefully that will get better! The kids are being pretty good, as good as could be expected for driving in an RV for 10 hours. Well, that's about it for now - check out our pictures!

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