Today has been a bad day. Usually, I can work through these days, but I feel the need to vent about it today.
It starts out where Brian is going to be gone the entire day, obviously going to work, but only for a 1/2 day, then heading to the cabin for the rest of the day to help take out the dock and jet skis...for those of you who know how I feel about this place, I'm sure you know how my mood was already struck this morning.
Then I wake up to the boys being LOUD and obnoxious...nothing too new, but in the mornings I'm not a very nice person...and waking up to loud is not going to put me in a happy place.
After I get the boys taken care of, I thought I'd hop into the shower since the baby was still sleeping away in his crib. I get out of the shower and I heard the baby starting to wake up, which was great, I really needed to feed him.
The following may be harmful to those with weak stomachs:
Then, I hear the dog start dry heaving on our bed, so I yelled at him to get down and I tried to get him outside...but I was FAR too late. As he jumped off our bed, he threw up all over. When I say all over, I mean ALL OVER. There was a puke trail from our bed to the door...and not only did he just puke, but it lovingly sprayed from side to side as if he was shaking his head...beautiful image, isn't it?!?
So, here I am, running around in my underwear with leaky boobs (yeah, with it), baby crying, dog puking, the boys being curious and excited about all the commotion, the cats started chasing each other, then the phone rings...and it's one of those political recording things that beyond pisses me off (we had one of those calls at 10:44PM last night...yes, I said PM).
So I clean up the yak, clean myself up, get dressed, get the baby and finally feed him, get the boys sat down to eat more breakfast - stinkers were still hungry...then Mason accidentally spilled his entire bowl of cereal onto the table and floor. THAT was fun. Then Evan got up and wacked his head on my elbow...can you see where my mood is going here???
I then had an 11:30am appointment to get the boys haircuts. Luckily, going out and about went great and their hair looks good. I'm starting to figure out this 'timing' thing with Carter. We had a couple other errands to run, I got 2 out of the 5 that I needed to get done done, so that was a huge accomplishment. On our way home, I almost lost it emotionally, but I held it together. (I'm still dealing with some sensitivity right now...ugh.) Got home, got the kids lunch, then Evan spilled his grapes onto the table and floor...and oh wow, you'd think the world was about to end the way he acted. It was grapes, totally not a big deal, but to an almost 5 year old, it was a HUGE deal.
I hope the rest of the evening goes ok, we are going to order pizza and have a picnic outside. Hopefully. I hope Brian comes home sooner than later...although he really did help by sending me a sweet boquet of flowers...he's so romantic and he knew about my day, I emailed him earlier...but there were quite a few f'n-heimers flying around in the I thought I'd blog about everything once I calmed down!
Well, I better order the pizza now, the boys are getting antsy for their picnic.
Until next time...