We decided to ring in the new year by staying at home wit our kiddos. We were invited to a couple places, and we would have loved to have gone, but Evan ended up with a little cough and we didn't want to spread anything. His cough was very minor and is pretty much gone now, but still, we don't want to be those parents who take their sick kids out and spread lovely germs. :) Anywho, I put the boys all down for a late nap and we all stayed up until 12:30am! It was really fun, Brian went outside and lit off some legal fireworks, we watched Dick Clark/Ryan Seacrest New Year's Eve special, we got the boys some 'sparking apple juice' and we had a bottle of champagne that's been in our fridge for about 3 years that Brian and I enjoyed. We banged on pots with wooden spoons at midnight and the kids really enjoyed it. With being so burnt out from Christmas, it was nice to stay home. Plus with 3 kids, it's really tough to go out :(. Oh well, we all had a good time!
Carter's 6 month appointment is next week, on Thursday the 15th. He has a new trick...check out the picture below! He's so proud of himself to be able to sit up, but it's kind of funny because he gets tired and he sits there and starts to pout and whimper! So we have to save him by laying him down or holding him. He's so funny. His only downfall is that he still wakes up about once at night to eat. Oh well. He's not into 'food' yet, so we'll try again in a while! He's still nursing and that seems to be all he wants to do! Oh well, he's happy and cute, so that's all that matters ;).
Gotta go, motherly duties are in need...

Happy New Year! We stayed home with our kiddos too...awwww the joys of parenting...lol;) I've never been a big New Years Eve parter anyways so I was totally fine with it. The kids where in bed at their normal time and I was in bed by 12:30am - I know...I'm old and boring;) ha
sounds like a fabulous new years eve party!!hoo hoo!!
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