Thursday, January 15, 2009

Hoo Hoo

So I have a funny Mason story to goes:

To start out, I need to tell you that in our house, for some odd reason, we have come up with the word 'hoo hoo' as female anatomy. I don't know why, it's just how it's evolved. Anyways...Brian was putting the boys to bed the other night, and every night we read a story, say prayers then go over what the favorite thing of the day was with each kid. That night, Mason got to go first by saying what his favorite thing's how it went:

Brian: Mason, what was your favorite thing today?
Mason: My favorite thing was....going to go get hoo hoo.
a cluster of laughs surrounded the room...
Brian: Ok, Evan what was your favo...
Mason: wait wait! I have another favorite thing...
Brian: Ok Mason, what is it?
Mason: My favorite thing was saying hoo hoo!
more hysterical laughing occurred.

I'm not sure what brought on this whole 'hoo hoo' talk, but regardless we thought it was funny.

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