Thursday, April 23, 2009


Wow. I'm having my very first garage sale...hopefully next weekend...and I'm realizing how very overwhelming it is. Brian and I worked on cleaning out our 'laundry room' last night and it took almost 2 hours. 2 hours?!? Yikes. I still have to work on our bedroom, guest bedroom, guest bedroom closet, kids toys, kids clothes, baby clothes, our crawl space, the garage, the shed...not to mention taking care of 3 kids while trying to attempt this! I'm a little overwhelmed. We have so much stuff it's crazy. I'm looking forward to hopefully selling most of it! I hope we earn enough money so I can buy myself a new pair of tennis shoes!!! That's my goal :). We shall see.

So I want to get this all done by next Wednesday, so I can open the garage up to friends and family to take dibs on stuff they may want, then I want to open the sale on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. On top of that, Brian's turkey hunt is this weekend. So he'll be busy trying to get a turkey.

This is very overwhelming. I'm glad I have goals, I just hope I can reach them! I've received some good advice for holding a garage sale...any more advice would be greatly appreciated!

Ok, that's my thought of the day. It's busy around here. :)

1 comment:

S.Kremer said...

How did the sale go?