Thursday, April 02, 2009

We did it!

I'm proud to announce that we have sprouts!!! If you're a follower of my blog, you'll note that a while back I talked about our garden. We have decided this year to tap into gardening, and low and behold, we actally have some sprouts! We are very proud of our new little green sprouts, here is a pic of them:

On another note, we now have a 9 month old. Carter turned 9 months old on the 30th of March. His newest endeavor is attempting to crawl. He hasn't gotten it quite yet, but I'm sure it'll be soon. He is, although, rather good at scooting around and sitting up from laying on his belly. We have still been attempting food with him...and well, look at the pics. He still thinks it's hilarious.

We were able to enjoy some of the nice weather a weekend of two ago...I can't remember, it's just been too long since it's been nice! Here's a pic of my 3 stooges.

On the 'headache' front, there is a new update. Brian saw his neurologist, told him the meds aren't working, so he increased the dosage, he'll take those for another month, if those don't work the neurologist will try another medication for a month, if those don't work, we'll be looking at getting a referral to the Mayo Clinic. Let's hope and pray the meds will work...please.

That's about it for now, I'm sure I have a lot more to blog about, but that can be for another day :)

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