Sunday, November 16, 2008

Update - looong, there are pics =)

It's been a while since my last update, so here goes.

Evan's doing good, he's starting to open up more at school which has been great! He's so ridiculously shy. His newest thing is that he's been having a hard time with anxiety. He absolutely throws a fit and massively overreacts if something doesn't go right. We're working with him, but it's such a challenge since we don't have a clue as to how to fix it! Other than that, he's doing good :)

Mason's doing good as well. He's just Mason. He cracks us up daily and does the funniest things. He's starting to think he can use the toilet, and he tries, and he's been successful at times. However, I just haven't taken the complete time to potty train him. I think if I actually did take the time, we'd have 2 kids out of diapers. I don't know why I haven't tried harder...maybe this will be my motivation! Duh - 2 out of diapers?! HELLO!!!

Carter's doing great. He was baptised on November 8th and it was so fun! Brian's sister and her husband are his Godparents and the service went really well! =) He's such a fun baby. I'm still nursing him which is going well, except for when he goes through his growth spurts and I have a hard time keeping up! He's growing like crazy and smiles all the time! He's figured out his hands and that they do things, and that in itself has been hilarious. The day he found his hand, I was in the car with the kids, he was crying and all of a sudden was very quiet. I looked back and he was staring at his hand - he stared at it for about 5 minutes. Seriously! It was really cute. Anywho, he's playing with toys, grabbing his feet, removing his socks all the time, rolling to his side (he's rolled over a handful of times), laughing, playing, talking, putting things in his mouth and just being super fun all the time!

Brian's doing well, he still has his headache friend...or shall I say enemy?? Maybe we should name it farnuckel. I may have to get that approved. Not too much is new with him. He's busy busy and that's about it.

I'm doing pretty good. I'm struggling with my weight of course. But this is the worst struggle I think I've ever gone through. I'm a stress eater and that sucks. At least with nursing I haven't gained weight (except for that 3 lb buffer), but I'm not losing - which is what I need to do!!! Oh well. I was involved in a boutique yesterday with my jewelry business and that was a really nice time! I got to hang out with my cousin and my sister in law who were also involved in the boutique! I also had a jewelry show last Wednesday night and it was really fun! My last show was 5 months ago, so I was a bit rusty, but regardless it was still a good time and it was a great show! My hostess is getting a ton of free jewelry! I'm hoping to get some more shows on the calendar...I'm also hoping I can do a 'mock show' for some friends so I can get some practice and advice :) Anyone want to help???

Here are some pics from our adventures:

1 comment:

skuubeedoo said...

I'd be happy to help with a "mock" show!!! =)