Tuesday, November 14, 2006

King of the Throne

We are now 9 days and no accidents with Evan! It has been so wonderful! Go Evan!!!

One thing that cracks us up though, is that he is now obsessed with going poo. Every time he needs to use the bathroom, he states "Evan try to poop too", and he does. Ok, keep in mind that he uses the bathroom about 10 + times a day. Is this normal??? I don't know. But he normally does poo every time. It's amazing how much he can go, I don't really understand the whole concept of pooping approximately 10 times a day. How can that little almost 3 year old body do that? I guess we'll have to change his nickname from Monkey to Sir-Poops-Alot.

Update on weight - I am now down a little over 25 pounds! Woohoo!!! Now I just have to keep losing and keep it off! I'm going to be a part of 2 weddings next year, February and May, so I really need to lose this weight! Actually, I went bridesmaid dress shopping on Saturday and I bought a dress in the size that I need to get too - now if that isn't motivation, I don't know what is! It'll fit, I'm not worried, but I really need to bust butt working out since the dress is a strapless dress. It's absolutely gorgeous and I'm so excited about it! Hmmmm, now I need to get through the holidays! Yikes!

Well that's about it for today, nothing else too overly exciting going on. Oh, except that we're having pork chops for dinner tonight.....mmmmmm....pork chops.....

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