Brian left at 5am this morning for St. Louis to go to a 'Haunt Show'. For those who are's this Halloween convention thing. Yep. Halloween. It'll be interesting to hear about it. Yep.
Anyways, Carter decided he wanted to join the 5am party and wake up to be cranky and eat. So, as Brian left, I got Carter back into bed about 5:30, he fell asleep about 6:30, my alarm went off at 6:52am, I climbed out of bed at 7:20am, got Evan taken care of with morning cartoons and breakfast, went downstairs to shower in Brian's shower (for those of you who don't know, my shower was broken and I've been using a needle nose pliers for about 6 months, Brian fixed it but it now leaks), came upstairs, got ready, got Evan dressed and ready for preschool, woke up Mason and then woke up Carter about 8:30am, got them dressed and barely fed to leave by 9am to get Evan to preschool on time. Got Evan to school, went to the post office to mail a package, then went to the grocery store to get some much needed food, headed home, got the groceries put away the kids fed again and then left again to get Evan from preschool early because we had a Doctor's appt for Carter's 9 month check up.
We arrive at the Doctors office, I get the stroller out put Carter in it, fought with Mason about riding in the stroller and I quickly gave up, got into the clinic, checked in and was told the Doc had to rush up to delivery. Since it was 11:40am already I decided it was a good time to catch some lunch and wait for the Doctor to come back. It was his last day and our very last appt with him, I was NOT going to miss it! So we head over to the cafeteria, which was pretty crowded with lunch rush, with a double stroller and 2 kids running around, figured pizza was a good option. So we had a very healthy lunch of pizza, french fries and milk. Well...after I purchased it which is another story. I had the tray, 2 loose kids on the run, and the double stroller. I got into line, the gentleman figured out my total, I tried to hand him my visa only to find out it's cash or check only. Crap. Cash??? Who carries cash anymore?! Luckily I had a few bucks in my wallet, but of course not enough. So I had to dig for some this time, my wallet dumped out all over the floor. My credit cards, business cards, change, pictures, etc. Can you picture this?! Anyways, I had enough cash to pay for our lunch. We sat down and the kids enjoyed the food. Well, Evan did at least. Mason of course didn't eat much because the pizza looked 'icky'. Whatever. Eat or be hungry. Also during this lunch time, I get the table set up and everyone arranged and I hear the words - 'mom, I have to pee'. Seriously?? I can't just leave all our stuff there. Anyways, this wonderful couple sitting at a table next to us offered to watch our stuff while we take the bathroom break. God bless them! So we get into the bathroom, and Mason, who had to pee, didn't pee. He said he didn't have to. So I made Evan pee so at least we had a successful trip. Another woman had come into the bathroom also, obviously, it is a public bathroom. Anyways, as she was taking care of business, my boys decided it was time to laugh and ask what that was. I heard her break out in laughter and I almost died. Then Mason 'tried' to peek under the stall (I didn't let him) and he waved and said 'hello' to the other lady. Good Lord, are we done yet?!
Oh the day continues if you wish to read on...
We go back to check if the Doc is back from delivery and he is, so we patiently wait to be called back. Luckily it was only about 5 minutes of wait time, so not too bad. We cram into the clinic room, the wonderful nurse brings in toys for the boys, we get Carter arranged and ready for his check up. He weighs in at a whopping 18 lbs 3 oz and 27 1/4" long. The Doc comes in and we chat for a while which was wonderful. Today is his last day working in the clinic as a clinic Doctor. I am so heartbroken that he's leaving. He delivered all 3 of our boys and has helped us for the past 7 years. He was the most wonderful Doctor I have ever had. Anyways, he tells me they have to take Carter's hemoglobin. Ok. So the nurse comes back in and pokes his little finger, does what she needs to do then places a bandaid on the finger. I put him in the stroller so I could put Mason's shoes back on (we had to go take his weight because he has an ear infection...ugh). Then Evan starts freaking out saying there's blood everywhere. What?!?! I look at Carter, and sure enough, there's blood everywhere! So the little poke from the test is bleeding like crazy and I take the little bandaid off, and try to get it under control. About 20 kleenexes later I couldn't get it. The Doc came back in and took care of it. So I have a very tired and bleeding baby at this point. The Doc then chatted some more and got Mason's prescription sent to the Target pharmacy for us to pick up.
At this time it's now 1:30 and we leave the clinic. I have a heavy heart due to the fact that our Doc is leaving and Mason is sick. It didn't take long for Carter to fall asleep in the car, so we ventured to Target. The visit went well, we got our prescription from the 'crabby' pharmacy tech. How fun really...not what I needed was some crabby tech. Anywho, we got some junk food to snack on for the weekend since Brian is gone. On top of this, my key remote thingy for the car doesn't work all the time and the only place to unlock the car is from the drivers side door. Use your imagination, it's just another frustration.
So we finally got home about 3:00pm. Thank God. I hope the rest of night will stay peaceful and I'll be able to work on some projects around the house I have in mind while Brian is gone. We shall see. Oh - and chocolate has been purchased.
Motherly duties are calling, so I better run. Good day.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
On the mend...maybe??
We think Evan is getting over his pneumonia. He has a follow up appointment this afternoon to 'listen to his lungs'. Hopefully it'll go well and he'll be clear! Mason's still got a runny nose and cough, but he seems in better spirits than he was this weekend. Carter also is still suffering a runny nose and cough. He was miserable on Saturday and Sunday and it broke our hearts. It was kind of his first 'big' sickness. He cried all day and had a fever, he was miserable. Poor thing.

Our sick little guy :(
On a fun note...we have decided to tap our fingers into some dirt. That's right, we are attempting our very first garden! We are extremely excited about it and hope we grow something! We spent Monday evening in the garage planting our seeds to get some of them started. The kids really enjoyed it and are excited to see some 'sprouts' Brian and I are hoping 'sprouts' will appear ;). We shall see! We planted watermelon, cucumbers, green beans, sugar peas, sweet corn, sunflowers, jack-o-lanterns, carrots and some other blue flower thing. I think it'll be a fun adventure and we hope to have some yummy food this summer! I'm not really counting on the watermelon...but the boys LOVE watermelon and picked it out. So we mine as well try, right?! Here are some pics.


Well, other than trying to get everyone healthy there really isn't anything else too new around here. We are just looking forward to everyone getting better, are still staying hopeful in kicking Brian's headache in the toosh, and the spring weather that is approaching! It's on it's way and it'll be here eventually. Someone has to stay positive, right?!? :)
Our sick little guy :(
On a fun note...we have decided to tap our fingers into some dirt. That's right, we are attempting our very first garden! We are extremely excited about it and hope we grow something! We spent Monday evening in the garage planting our seeds to get some of them started. The kids really enjoyed it and are excited to see some 'sprouts' Brian and I are hoping 'sprouts' will appear ;). We shall see! We planted watermelon, cucumbers, green beans, sugar peas, sweet corn, sunflowers, jack-o-lanterns, carrots and some other blue flower thing. I think it'll be a fun adventure and we hope to have some yummy food this summer! I'm not really counting on the watermelon...but the boys LOVE watermelon and picked it out. So we mine as well try, right?! Here are some pics.
Well, other than trying to get everyone healthy there really isn't anything else too new around here. We are just looking forward to everyone getting better, are still staying hopeful in kicking Brian's headache in the toosh, and the spring weather that is approaching! It's on it's way and it'll be here eventually. Someone has to stay positive, right?!? :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Cough, cough, cough, cough....cough, cough...
Poor Evan. He has pneumonia. I feel so bad for him, he coughs so much it exhausts me! He's had a fever for 5 days in a row now and he's just miserable. He has amoxicillin and I'm hoping it'll start kicking in real soon. He has to miss his preschool, which he is so upset about. He absolutely loves preschool and it's killing him to have to stay home. Plus it's really hard to 'try' to have him rest as much as possible...he's a 5 year old boy, what's rest?! Although, he's been fairly lethargic so it's been going ok as far as 'rest' goes. On top of that, Mason has a cold and he's extremely whiny and cranky. He also is sporting a fever and is miserable. And on top of that...Carter is working on his 2nd tooth. So he's been cranky and miserable. Poor boys.
And yes...Brian still has his headache. He has another follow up (or is it his first one with this neurologist?? - I can't keep track anymore) coming up, so I'm anxious for that to see what this neurologist has to say. He's had his sleeping machine for a while now and he feels he may be getting better sleep, but the headache is still there. What other option could there possibly be?!?!? Poor guy. I have fallen off my 'end of the rope' a while ago...I don't know where the heck it went. I'd like to try to grab back on and climb back up. Of course, at the same time, I want to climb into bed in our dark bedroom and not come out for about a month. Would that be an ok thing to do? I think so ;). Ok, maybe not.
This is about all I can handle right now for blogging, I'm exhausted. Good night.
And yes...Brian still has his headache. He has another follow up (or is it his first one with this neurologist?? - I can't keep track anymore) coming up, so I'm anxious for that to see what this neurologist has to say. He's had his sleeping machine for a while now and he feels he may be getting better sleep, but the headache is still there. What other option could there possibly be?!?!? Poor guy. I have fallen off my 'end of the rope' a while ago...I don't know where the heck it went. I'd like to try to grab back on and climb back up. Of course, at the same time, I want to climb into bed in our dark bedroom and not come out for about a month. Would that be an ok thing to do? I think so ;). Ok, maybe not.
This is about all I can handle right now for blogging, I'm exhausted. Good night.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Little Carter is trying SO hard to be 'on the move'. He hasn't been successful yet, but he's starting to get frustrated about it. He can scoot on his toosh and spin around in circles...which is very comical and cute. He goes forward with his hands, from a sitting position, but his legs stay crossed. If he gets to ahead of himself, he falls onto his tummy and gets rather upset. Which in a way is sad, because you'd think he could just roll over...but no, he doesn't decide to roll. He can roll, he just doesn't want to. Silly boy.

It's not the best picture, but you get the idea! When he starts moving, I'm sure going to have my hands full!
Evan and Mason have been good. We're all very anxious for spring to arrive. I can't wait to get them into the backyard and let them run out their energy. They sure need it! A while back, Brian cleaned out the garage and he took them in there to play and they loved it! They could run, ride bikes, scooters, blow was glory for them. Evan's really enjoying preschool and now know's his friends name - Andrew. He has other friends, but apparently this is a friend that he 'talks to' and they play cars. Mason's also really enjoying his ECFE class. He goes Thursday nights and gets to experience playing with lots of new things. He'll start preschool at our church this fall and I know he'll be so excited. Evan starts kindergarten this fall too - and he sure is excited! He is very ready to start, it'll be so good for him!


Nothing else is too new around here...I'm still trying to move furniture around our house to attempt making it more 'functional'. I'd love to try and incorporate a play room specifically just for all the toys. My brain's going in circles trying to figure it out! Oh well. We're planning on having a garage sale in spring, so hopefully we will be able to sell items we do not need anymore! We've gotten rid of a few things on craigslist and it's been so wonderful. It feels good to make more 'room' but at the same time it's hard to get rid of baby stuff. I am just looking at it as starting the next chapter of our life. So here the next chapter!
It's not the best picture, but you get the idea! When he starts moving, I'm sure going to have my hands full!
Evan and Mason have been good. We're all very anxious for spring to arrive. I can't wait to get them into the backyard and let them run out their energy. They sure need it! A while back, Brian cleaned out the garage and he took them in there to play and they loved it! They could run, ride bikes, scooters, blow was glory for them. Evan's really enjoying preschool and now know's his friends name - Andrew. He has other friends, but apparently this is a friend that he 'talks to' and they play cars. Mason's also really enjoying his ECFE class. He goes Thursday nights and gets to experience playing with lots of new things. He'll start preschool at our church this fall and I know he'll be so excited. Evan starts kindergarten this fall too - and he sure is excited! He is very ready to start, it'll be so good for him!
Nothing else is too new around here...I'm still trying to move furniture around our house to attempt making it more 'functional'. I'd love to try and incorporate a play room specifically just for all the toys. My brain's going in circles trying to figure it out! Oh well. We're planning on having a garage sale in spring, so hopefully we will be able to sell items we do not need anymore! We've gotten rid of a few things on craigslist and it's been so wonderful. It feels good to make more 'room' but at the same time it's hard to get rid of baby stuff. I am just looking at it as starting the next chapter of our life. So here the next chapter!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Oofta, what a busy day!
Today has been crazy! First, Brian had to wake up at 3:45am to get ready to drive out to Wisconsin Dells for a work meeting, which he's been at all day! He still isn't home and probably won't be home until midnight! Poor guy. Well, it's also Thursday which means Evan has preschool and Mason has ECFE. I was able to get up at 5am to feed Carter and get him back to bed, then get back to bed about 6am myself, to only get up at 6:45am with Mason. Got the boys ready, woke up Carter, got Evan to preschool on time, fed Carter a bottle in the Church parking lot, made my way to drop off the water bill, get to the post office to mail some jewelry that needs to be exchanged, then to Rainbow (which is now my favorite grocery store...), then home to unpack groceries, get Mason and Carter fed and taken care of, then to head out again to get Evan from preschool. Then we got home, had lunch, Mason and Carter went down for naps, more cleaning occured, then my Mom (bless her!) came down to help watch Evan and Carter so I could take Mason to his ECFE class which I had completely forgotten tonight was the last night! So I need to call tomorrow morning to try to enroll him for the next 6 weeks - he loves it so much. Then got Evan and Mason down to bed about 9pm, gave Carter a bath (he had 3 blowouts today!) and got him to bed about 10:15pm. Now I'm working on laundry that desperately needs to be done, and get the boys packed for tomorrow - they're heading to Grandma and Grandpa's for the night! Woohoo! Well, except for Carter, he'll be staying home with us. Anywho, I'm typing this enjoying a smirnoff raspberry burst drink. And I'm waiting for my hubby to make it home safe! That was my day in a nutshell. A little crazy, but not too out of the ordinary ;)
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
No more fever
Evan woke up without a fever, hungry as a horse, and acting like his typical self! How weird?! He had that weird tummyache thing going on, but never got sick...I think he almost got sick last night but faught it ;). Although, last night I was a little worried about his tummy since he hadn't actually gotten sick, so I poked around on him and his very lower abdomen seemed to be the culprit. So I thought something intestinal? Maybe a bladder infection? So I was going to call the doc this morning, but now he's totally fine...?? Oh well! I guess we'll just continue to keep an eye on him! Poor little guy was so miserable yesterday, he fell asleep on the couch for about an hour and a half! He doesn't nap anymore, so for him that was very not normal!
Today has been a good day of getting some things wise. I was able to vacuum, dust, swiffer the floors, do the dishes, 4 loads of laundry, and already get the garbage out. Well, not to the curb, but it's at least in the garage waiting to be put into the trash can and out to the curb. I've also got Mason and Carter down for a nap and Evan's playing some Wii, so I'm taking some time for me! Yay! Although, I did sneak in a game of bowling with Evan - and I actually beat him! It was fun...maybe I'll have to talk him into playing bowling again :).
I guess I don't have anything overly exciting to share right I guess that's it. I have a lot of things cooking in my mind for 'to do', but don't have to strength or motivation right now ;). Maybe tomorrow...
Today has been a good day of getting some things wise. I was able to vacuum, dust, swiffer the floors, do the dishes, 4 loads of laundry, and already get the garbage out. Well, not to the curb, but it's at least in the garage waiting to be put into the trash can and out to the curb. I've also got Mason and Carter down for a nap and Evan's playing some Wii, so I'm taking some time for me! Yay! Although, I did sneak in a game of bowling with Evan - and I actually beat him! It was fun...maybe I'll have to talk him into playing bowling again :).
I guess I don't have anything overly exciting to share right I guess that's it. I have a lot of things cooking in my mind for 'to do', but don't have to strength or motivation right now ;). Maybe tomorrow...
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Poor Evan
Evan seems to have spiked a bit of a fever and is complaining of a tummyache. His fever is low which is good. He's also been eating fairly well I'm not too sure what's going on with the tummyache. His left eye looks a bit more 'red' than his other eye, so maybe he has pink eye or a cold?? I'm confused. Oh well, nothing much we can do right now except wait it out. He missed preschool today and he's been pretty sad about that. He loves preschool. I think I'll be putting in a movie for him to watch while he rests. Poor kiddo.
I am excited though that I have changed the look of my blog and changed the name to 'The Darling Days'. So I don't know if that changes the blog website yet...I guess I'll have to look into that. Anywho, I found a cute website to change the blog background and it's fun! Well, I better go. Until next time...
I am excited though that I have changed the look of my blog and changed the name to 'The Darling Days'. So I don't know if that changes the blog website yet...I guess I'll have to look into that. Anywho, I found a cute website to change the blog background and it's fun! Well, I better go. Until next time...
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