It's not the best picture, but you get the idea! When he starts moving, I'm sure going to have my hands full!
Evan and Mason have been good. We're all very anxious for spring to arrive. I can't wait to get them into the backyard and let them run out their energy. They sure need it! A while back, Brian cleaned out the garage and he took them in there to play and they loved it! They could run, ride bikes, scooters, blow was glory for them. Evan's really enjoying preschool and now know's his friends name - Andrew. He has other friends, but apparently this is a friend that he 'talks to' and they play cars. Mason's also really enjoying his ECFE class. He goes Thursday nights and gets to experience playing with lots of new things. He'll start preschool at our church this fall and I know he'll be so excited. Evan starts kindergarten this fall too - and he sure is excited! He is very ready to start, it'll be so good for him!
Nothing else is too new around here...I'm still trying to move furniture around our house to attempt making it more 'functional'. I'd love to try and incorporate a play room specifically just for all the toys. My brain's going in circles trying to figure it out! Oh well. We're planning on having a garage sale in spring, so hopefully we will be able to sell items we do not need anymore! We've gotten rid of a few things on craigslist and it's been so wonderful. It feels good to make more 'room' but at the same time it's hard to get rid of baby stuff. I am just looking at it as starting the next chapter of our life. So here the next chapter!
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