Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cough, cough, cough, cough....cough, cough...

Poor Evan. He has pneumonia. I feel so bad for him, he coughs so much it exhausts me! He's had a fever for 5 days in a row now and he's just miserable. He has amoxicillin and I'm hoping it'll start kicking in real soon. He has to miss his preschool, which he is so upset about. He absolutely loves preschool and it's killing him to have to stay home. Plus it's really hard to 'try' to have him rest as much as possible...he's a 5 year old boy, what's rest?! Although, he's been fairly lethargic so it's been going ok as far as 'rest' goes. On top of that, Mason has a cold and he's extremely whiny and cranky. He also is sporting a fever and is miserable. And on top of that...Carter is working on his 2nd tooth. So he's been cranky and miserable. Poor boys.

And yes...Brian still has his headache. He has another follow up (or is it his first one with this neurologist?? - I can't keep track anymore) coming up, so I'm anxious for that to see what this neurologist has to say. He's had his sleeping machine for a while now and he feels he may be getting better sleep, but the headache is still there. What other option could there possibly be?!?!? Poor guy. I have fallen off my 'end of the rope' a while ago...I don't know where the heck it went. I'd like to try to grab back on and climb back up. Of course, at the same time, I want to climb into bed in our dark bedroom and not come out for about a month. Would that be an ok thing to do? I think so ;). Ok, maybe not.

This is about all I can handle right now for blogging, I'm exhausted. Good night.

1 comment:

Amy said...

ooof...i am exhausted reading about you situation right now...hang in there! it will get better you amazing mommy and wifey!