Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Doc appointment update

I had my 36 week today, and my 37 week is scheduled for next Wednesday. Ugh. This last month is rough. Anywhoobie, I'm measuring 37 to 38 weeks - so that's good, the baby sounds great, and I'm a 'finger-tip' dialated. Nothing too exciting going on...which kind of blows my mind considering all the cramping and contractions I've been having. Oh well. Next week we'll be discussing 'induction'. Ugh. I am still hoping and praying that I go into labor on my own. Even the Doc is bummed about having to get me induced - I guess the staff in labor and delivery are not cooperative with elective inductions. So he said he'll have to fight for me and get some other docs to back him up because of my history. He said it really makes him mad. I feel bad, that sucks. But he doesn't want me delivering a 10lb + baby...he's worried it wouldn't 'fit'. Which obviously, if I go full term, this guy will be at least 10lbs! I'm sure I could handle it, but there's other risks he doesn't to take, and I'm on the same boat. Early induction is best for me...I guess. It just sucks. Let's hope something 'exciting' will start happening and I won't have to be induced!!! Any tips and/or suggestions are welcome...

1 comment:

skuubeedoo said...

I have no suggestions. Everything that I tried didn't work. Those silly kids decide when they want to come out vs. us deciding. It's just the first of many ways that they show us who the boss is. =)