Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Only 1

I am so pissed right now. I've been having contractions since 4:45pm Tuesday. We went into labor and delivery and sure enough, baby is good and contractions are good. I was only dilated to a 1, so the nurse had me walk the halls and take a tubby. After an hour of that, still only a 1. So the nurse talked to the 'in-charge' nurse and the doctor who was on call for my doctor, and they frickin' sent me home. Still contracting and completely miserable. I see my doc at 11:15...later today...and boy is he going to get an ear full. It's 3:02am, and I'm still having strong contractions and all that other crap that goes along with labor. I know for a fact that if they spoke with MY doctor, he would have kept me and started induction. GRRR!!!! Ugh, whatever. They gave me some stupid ass visterol or something to relax me so I can 'sleep'. Right. This sucks. My poor parents came down and were going to stay, my Dad was asleep already and he has to go to work at 4am. Nice. I feel horrible. I could just rip someone's head off. Well, I suppose I should try to go to sleep or something. ARGH!!!


Anonymous said...

I am soooooooo sorry!!!!!!!!!

skuubeedoo said...

Hopefully your doc will keep you. It would be a wonderful day to have the baby!! Hang in there! =)