Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Doc appt update

We went to the doc this morning, and unfortunately...THE BABY IS STILL IN THERE! Ugh. He felt really bad about our experience last night, but said to 'hang in there'. Yeah yeah. He said there's risks with inducing when it's not necessary and obviously we don't want to take any risks that are unnecessary. So it's the waiting game. I'm still having contractions and I feel really icky. The doc said he really thinks I'm in early labor and it's just taking it's jolly sweet time. Yipee freakin' yay. Anywho, the baby sounds wonderful which is great and very reassuring, I'm still dilated to a 1...maybe 2-ish. However, I think the doc just said that to keep me sane :). He stripped my membranes, so hopefully that'll help with some progress. He did mention that for me, it may be really hard to tell if I'm in active labor or not, since I was induced with both boys. He said we did the right thing by going in, and that it may happen again but to not get discouraged. This baby will eventually come out! It's just so hard to take care of the boys and everything else. Plus the pain is getting to a point of being almost excruciating. Ugh!!! Oh well. I feel really stupid too, I started bawling in the doc's office today...stupid hormones. I need a drink...or 7.

1 comment:

BizEMommaK said...


Good luck Holly! I'll be thinking about you guys.
